Imperial Mausoleums and Tombs Vol. 4 PDF read book


A tour of the different imperial mausoleums and tombs provides a unique opportunity to savor the artistic delights of ancient Chinese sculpture and painting. The underground mausoleums and tombs developed out of China's longstanding practice of sacrificial rites and burial. Prior to the Zhou dynasty, simple enclosures were the rule, mounds followed in the Qin dynasty and by the Han dynasty, brick and stone structures had been widely adopted. These were in turn superseded by the magnificent palace-like imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties. All of the various architectural and ceremonial developments and styles are examined and illustrated in detail. Contents: Photographs Mausoleum of the Qin Dynasty Tombs of the Southern Dynasties Mausoleum and Tombs of the Tang Dynasty Mausoleums of the Song Dynasty Mausoleums of the Ming Dynasty Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty. Text The Art, Form and Layout of Imperial Mausoleums and Tombs - Exploration of the Mysterious Art Buildings and General Layouts of Imperial Mausoleums and Tombs - Colourful and Magnificent Architectural Styles. Appendices. Notes on the Photographs Maps and Chronology A Map of Localities of the Imperial Mausoleums and Tombs A Guide Map of the Imperial Mausoleums and Tombs around Xi'an Chronology of Major Events in the History of Chinese Architecture., The underground mausoleums and tombs developed out of China's longstanding practice of sacrificial rites and burial. Prior to the Zhou dynasty, simple enclosures were the rule, mounds followed in the Qin dynasty and by the Han dynasty, brick and stone structures had been widely adopted. These were in turn superseded by the magnificent palace-like imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties. All of the various architectural and ceremonial developments and styles are examined and illustrated in detail.

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